HighStone Installation Notes

Installation of HighStone Program

This section details the steps needed to install HighStone on target systems.  HighStone has been installed and run successfully on the following environments:

  • Installed on local PC systems and run by Users under their own logins.

  • Installed on a Server and accessed by Users over a Remote Desktop login.

  • Installed on a Server and accessed by Users over a Citrix login

    Generally the same installation steps are followed for each of these environments.

    There are certain pre-requisites that are must be met before HighStone will run successfully.  However, installations running Windows XP SP2 or later should find all necessary systems already installed.

  • MDAC for database access (at least Version 2.6, Version 2.8 is more recent).

  • .Net Framework (at least 1.1)

    HighStone Version 8 is compiled under the .Net framework Version 1.1.  It will also run under the later .Net framework 2.

    Users running Windows 2000 may need to install the .Net framework Version 1.1; details are given later.

    As HighStone is .Net compliant it is possible to install the programs by a simple copying process on User systems and avoid the need to run any formal Setup programs.   Most administrators prefer this approach.

Installing HighStone Programs

The following steps are recommended.

  • Create a folder under the system Program Files folder named Claremont Controls.  [This conforms to modern application installation].

  • Create a further folder below this for the Application – i.e. HighStone

  • Copy into this folder final the Application program file (.exe) and start-up database connection file:

    • HighStone.exe

    • HighStoneSystem.ini

  • Copy into the same folder the required Component files (a few third party .dll library files).  These are supplied in a specific folder on the Install CD-Rom.  The files to be included are:

    • C1.Common.dll

    • C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.dll

    • C1.Win.C1Report.dll

    • C1.C1pdf.dll

    • AxInterop.SDDocVw.dll

    • Interop.SHDocVw.dll

    • haspenv.dll

    • hasp_net_windows.dll

The final step is to configure the start-up configuration file - the HighStoneSystem.ini file – to set the Database Connection and Client Configuration details.  See below.

Creating the HighStone Home Environment